Beat Indoor Allergy Symptoms During Quarantine

First and foremost, I hope everyone is doing well. I never imagined there would ever be a pandemic disease sweeping the planet in my lifetime. But we will make it through this with so many stories to share.

Want to hear something scary?

Although being quarantined is a significant life change, we still have normal lives we are trying to live. 

Unfortunately, allergy season is one of those annual occurrences from nature that does not seem to be aware that we are in the middle of a world health crisis. So the lines can get a little blurred with allergy symptoms when everyone is on edge about conovirus symptoms. 

I suffered from severe allergies and asthma as a child all through adulthood. So although I am practicing social distancing to keep us safe from the conovirus, I still battle allergy symptoms. While we are under quarantine at home, it is more critical than ever to rid as many allergens as possible from my living space. That way, I can avoid suffering during this time when there is no other place to go for relief. Did I mention indoor allergens are the absolute worst for me? 

On the other hand, I am thankful for all the rain we have been getting here in Georgia. The rain helps to dilute the heavy pollen dust and minimizes outdoor allergens from trees, grass, and weeds, which creeps inside and adds to indoor irritants. 

Here’s how I am coping! My two-step plan

I shared some allergy hacks here, but I wanted to go even further this year with making my home a place where I could relax and not suffer from uncontrollably itching and irritation. 

Clean the air circulating through my home

Each year, as I seek to get better at treating allergy symptoms, I learn more and more about how many pollutants linger in the air we breathe. It is common for mold, dust, dandruff, pollen, and anything that floats to enter our airways, causing endless irritation. This year, I decided to invest in good air quality. In my search, I found Oransi air purifiers. We are in love with its air-purifying output. Both the OV200 Air Purifier and Finn HEPA UV Air Purifier are quiet and very effective. 

To block any EMF rays that are commonly know to be very high for air purifiers, I got these stones to place on each of them. 

Eliminate dust mites and their droppings

Dust mites are allergens that always show up in my skin tests with the worst allergic reaction for me. To the point, I am given antihistamines at the doctor’s office after the test. So I set out to attack dust mites from every angle. To my amazement, I found a product that I could wash my bed linens in to remove dust mites. That product line also has a topical sprayer, our bed mattress, pillows, and any other cushions that these microscopic critters hide. I tried Eradicator last year and had IMMEDIATE relief. My linens came out of the wash squeaky clean and so fresh. 

The reviews for the spray were almost unanimous, “it smells like vinegar”. I like vinegar, and if it kills dust mites, I will take it. I tried it, and it did smell like vinegar. But not for long. The smell went away as it dried. To truly test this product, I took it on a trip with me and sprayed the hotel mattress down. I slept like a baby and woke up without puffy crusty eyes. 

I hope this post inspires you to not settle for annoying allergy symptoms, especially during this time of confinement to your home during the conovirus pandemic. 
