I believe everyone is doing their best to protect themselves and their family during this pandemic. We are taking precautions from wearing masks, gloves, and thorough handwashing to choosing to stay home and practice proper social distancing.
However, building a strong immune system is another way we can protect ourselves. Not just against COVID-19, but also other illnesses when stress is at an all-time high.
Why your immune health matters
It’s speculated that individuals with existing underlying health issues have been impacted the most by COVID-19. So we are talking about daily maintaining our immune system as a lifestyle practice to protect our overall health and well being. Not being chronically sick is not an indication that we operating at optimal health. Our immune system’s health, in general, is a very big deal.
Now more than ever is a good time to build your immune system and beat any attacks against your body.
Get the right medical support
I remember finding out my immune health needed attention a few years ago. Likely due to stress and simply aging.
My doctor explained how illnesses are often lifestyle-related. Chronic illnesses are often triggered when the immune system is low. She then told me that my thyroids and adrenals had flat-lined, putting me at risk of developing major illnesses.
I am glad I followed my intuition to go get thoroughly tested in order to pinpoint where I should focus my attention on.
My holistic doctor prescribed a suite of supplements and treatments to help address issues from my gut to thyroids, adrenals, and even sinus problems. I have been full speed ahead ever since.
Supplements to consider
Here are a few daily supplements I use to build my daughter and my immune health. Please do your research and follow up with your doctor and or a certified holistic medical professional on the best supplements to support your immune system especially during this time.
- Probiotics Benefits: Probiotics are known to help boost your immune system and protect against getting infections. Ideally, look for supplements with at least 1 billion colony forming units and contains these strands: lactobacillus, bifidobaterum or saccaromyces boulardii
- Vitamin D Benefits: Protects against various diseases and conditions. It supports lung function and cardiovascular health as well as build immune, brain, and nervous system health. We consume vitamin D purposely via liquid drops and safe sun exposure. Aside from the sun and supplements, here are sources to consume Vitamin D:
- fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna (wild-caught is best)
- egg yolks
- cheese
- beef liver
- mushrooms
- Vitamin C Benefits: Known to fight off infections. Vitamin C may also help prevent acute respiratory infections which is a known COVID-19 symptom. I typically add vitamin C supplements to our shakes in powder form. Other foods that contain vitamin C include:
- Sweet and red peppers
- Oranges and other citrus fruits
- Fresh strawberries
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Iodine + Thyroid health: Thyroid hormones play a big role in the immune response. Iodine nourishes the thyroid so it functions properly. Test results showed low Iodine levels for both of us. Our doctor prescribed liquid supplements. Have your doctor prescribe the right dosage if you test deficient in iodine.
- Seaweed
- Fish and seafood
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Lima beans
- Multivitamins that contain iodine in the form of potassium iodide or sodium iodide.
- Zinc: Zinc is major for a healthy functioning immune system. It helps control and regulates the body’s immune responses as well. Zinc deficiency can increase the chances of being susceptible to pathogens.
Everyone’s body is very different. So please schedule the necessary medical appointments to get a real picture of your immune health. Don’t settle for prescriptions that mask symptoms. Become responsible for your health and pay attention to your body continuously. Daily nourish and protect your health and well being from the inside out. Lastly, be willing to invest in your health.