All month, the topic of self-love has been circulating in my world. I posted a few IG highlights lately, and a good friend asked me to speak on the topic. And it’s still top of mind.
Like most of you, the speed of my day to day can cast a blind spell on what’s really happening or most important. It’s easy to get caught in the daily grind of the standard work, school, soccer, bedtime and repeat routine.
Lately, my sweet mother has been dropping words of wisdom in my ears on time, warning me to slow it down, enjoy life and make plans for the future. Her conversation went something like, “I was so focused on my family, I forgot to make more friends and have plans for myself when my children left.” Honestly, that made my heart drop!!! It was my warning to BEAWARE, and slow my pace.
I also read somewhere that “You only have 18 summers with the kiddos, so make them count”. That statement changed me. So I make it clear with my choices, that my daughter and family is a standing priority. Feeding, clothing, and rushing my daughter out the door to get a quality education is not all there is to our relationship. But spending time in the kitchen, showing her how to manage her time, exposing her to exciting new things, and even teaching her self-love is all apart of our time now in this moment.
Aside from valuable moments missed, health and well-being is a matter of concern. Stress is a well known trigger for many illnesses. I am convinced that slowing things down could allow you to notice changes in your body and early warning signs that something is not quite right. Listening to your body is major and you cannot get the right medical support early enough when your life is continuously noisy.
Slowing things down has to be on purpose and I am on a personal mission to seize the moments and not rush through life in a daze.Now, when I am planning, I schedule at least one day of the week to take it slow. The journey counts as much as the goal.
For me, this time in my life is the perfect opportunity to do everything again. So, I am adamant about putting first things first. Setting the right priorities and focusing on what matters most at the right time. Most of all, ENJOYING life is a must do instead of tolerating circumstances.
Below, I share my top 5 ways I pull back on the reins of life and keep perspective as I walk this journey. I would love to hear yours. Please share in the comments section below.
5 Ways I Slow Things Down and Be in the Moment
1. Spending the first 30 min of my waking moments in prayer and meditation.
- EVERYTHING starts here. Believe it or not, everybody, and everything can absolutely wait until after my quiet time. My daughter has figured out that I am a lot more fun when I do. More importantly, she is learning what matter most must come first.
2. Taking at least one day of the weekend doing what I sincerely want that makes me relax.
- Wake up naturally and not to an alarm clock
- Read my book in bed for as long as I want
- Watch the latest, Bollywood, Nollywood and British movies. This is my no tween or animated TV time.
- Not leave home for the entire day
3. Go over my top goals and create a to do list for the day or week.
- The future is no accident and I have high expectations for our family. A daily This keeps what’s important in the present and helps me track success when the goal is meet. That way when a distraction shows up to veer me away from my goals I can make the right decisions to protect my goals.
4. Dinner date with my daughter, then a real desert and movie night until we fall asleep in the dark a.m. hours.
5. Hang out with other cool moms I adore with no plans to rush off.